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Professional Media


Nowadays you have about 1.5 seconds to catch the attention of your target. Wow! Did we already lose ya? We've studied consumers and know what it takes to grab their attention in a flash. Whats the answer to your media struggle? Puppies and Babies mostly.  Our team knows what media converts into sales for your company. We've been to the future and the future is video. That's why Facebook announced that they will only have videos within the next 5 years. Our videos are shot in 4k so your guaranteed to be in the top 1% of local competition. Green Fish photographers always get your good side and if you want we can even Photoshop your crush next to you.. We got the cameras and programs to make anything you can think of come to life. Uffda thats enough text for today.



We shoot HD video from the sky to underwater. Our team will make sure that your media comes to life with the magic of video.

Photos capture a moment, just for a second but that moment can live on forever with the help of our technology and equipment.

We love Adobe so much we bought every program they offer. If you want to create a new company logo or Photoshop yourself on a skyscraper we got you.


Ready to catch a big one? 

Thanks for submitting!


New Green Fish Logo Transparent.png

Tel: 701-715-0299

Fargo, North Dakota

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